It occurred to me today that many of the innovations lately in libraries start with E. E-library. E-reference. E-book. E-resources. ERM. And then, vanity kicked in. E-lisabeth! Now, I know that I'm being silly with Elisabeth, but I do think libraries need to consider why it is that simply moving from a paper envionment to a digital environment is so appealing to us. Is it because we are chasing our customers? Is it because we want to fit into this new world? Are we imitating others? Or, are we really innovating and is it because it makes sense for our missions and for our patrons? I don't have answers yet, but that is part of my research interests. If anyone has opinions, chime in!
hey, I'm just surprised you didn't come up with E-lisabeth sooner! ;-)
Posted by: Lynn Bertino | Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 08:19 PM